We would like to thank everyone for your consistent and generous support of The Sam Bish Foundation. Every donor, volunteer, and supporter has made an incredible impact in the lives of kids fighting cancer since the foundation’s beginnings fourteen years ago.
Today, we would like to announce that assets from The Sam Bish Foundation will be transferred to the ownership of NC4K (Nellie’s Champions for Kids). Also based in Columbus, NC4K is a nonprofit with a mutual mission of providing financial and emotional support to families facing a pediatric cancer diagnosis. The team at NC4K shares our focus on working closely with the families they serve in order to ensure that “No Kid Fights Cancer Alone.”
We are confident that NC4K will be successful in incorporating resources from The Sam Bish Foundation to make a difference in the lives of kids fighting cancer, and we encourage you to consider continuing your support of childhood cancer families by supporting NC4K. NC4K offers many ways to get involved, including making a donation, volunteering at a family event, and hosting gift and supply drives. You can learn more about NC4K and how to get involved at nc4k.org. You can also follow them on Facebook at facebook.com/nc4kforlife and Instagram at instagram.com/nc4k.
Once again, we are incredibly grateful for your kindness and generosity for the last fourteen years. Thank you for helping us continue Sam’s legacy and carry out his request to provide hope, support, and smiles for kids like him. We know that we will see Sam’s light continue to shine through the smiles of kids and families supported by NC4K in the years to come.
For more information about NC4K, you can visit nc4k.org. For questions and comments, feel free to reach out to Mandy Powell, Executive Director at mandy@nc4k.org or (614) 300-3995.